There are so many penguins in so many different kinds of videogames it's actually kind of scary. I've seen at least three different articles in videogame magazines (print and online) that have commented on the phenomenon.

- Amazing Penguin (Game Boy prototype) [pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]
- Animal Crossing (Game Cube)[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]
- Armed and Dangerous (Xbox)
- Attack of the Mutant Penguins (Jaguar)[pic 1][pic 2]
- Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PlayStation 2)[pic 1][pic 2]
- Barbie's Pet Rescue (Game Boy Color)
- Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (Game Cube)
- Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball (Xbox)[pic 1][pic 2]
- Disgaea (PlayStation 2)
- Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation) (Chocobo Race Track, Wutai)
- Final Fantasy X-2 (PlayStation 2) (Tobli)
- Hanjuku Heroes VS 3D
- Hello Kitty Cube Frenzy (PlayStation, Game Boy Color)[pic 1]
- Hydro Thunder (Nintendo 64)
- King of the Zoo (Game Boy)
- Kirby games (Various)[pic 1]
- Linux PlayStation 2 kit[pic 1][pic 2]
- Mad Maestro (PlayStation 2)[pic 1][pic 2]
- Matchbox Crosstown Heroes (Game Boy Advance)
- Mega Man games (Various)[pic 1][pic 2]
- Neverwinter Nights
- NFL Blitz 2003 - Penguin Code (Xbox)[pic 1]
- Parodius (Famicom, Super Famicom)[pic 1][pic 2]
- Pengo (Arcade)[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]
- Penguin Batting Practice (no real title) (Flash)[Play Now]
- Penguin Land (Sega Master System)[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]
- Pen Pen TriIcelon (Sega Dreamcast)[pic 1]
- Planet Monsters (Game Boy Advance)
- Poke the Penguin (Flash)[Play Now]
- Polar Rescue (Flash)[Play Now]
- Quake
- Spaced Penguin (Flash)[Play Now]
- Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)[pic 1]
- Tux Racer (PC)[pic 1]
- Wallace & Gromit
- Whacked! (Xbox)[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]
- Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Zoocubed (Game Cube, Game Boy Advance)[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3]
- Zoo Tycoon (PC)[pic 1]